Jeremy R. Geerdes Posts
The reversal of Roe v Wade
Let us, therefore, redouble our commitment to loving mothers and children of all ages. Let us renew our love for women who have experienced abortion. Let us rekindle our compassion for families in need of food, diapers, friendship, and more. Let us be known by our love for God, and let us reflect his love for people. Let us be more concerned to be beacons of compassion and hope than we are to celebrate this very minor victory.

Like stars: Daniel 7-12
Even in the midst of this faithless world, we can do what God defines as right and avoid what he identifies as wrong even in today’s world. We can lead people to righteousness, and it we will do that, we can change the world, one person at a time.

Excel: Daniel 6
No, it was not exactly what Daniel expected. And yes, it did come in fits and starts. Yet, because Daniel – and let’s not forget his friends – resolved to live faithful lives in the midst of this faithless world, the world ultimately changed.

Confront and Convict: Daniel 5
When it comes to living faithfully in this faithless world, it is imperative that we recognize where our responsibility ends and God’s begins. When this world forgets the lessons that it should have learned, it is our job to confront and then to allow God to judge.

Adapt or Die
Today, there are many churches like Valley West Mall. Once upon a time, they were bustling hives of ministry, but things have changed. There are all sorts of other activities vying for attendance on Sunday mornings. The new megachurch up the road offers better services with less commitment. The congregation lost its mainstays when a couple of key saints moved or passed away. Suddenly, the church is a shadow of what it once was. Fortunately, it need not end this way.

Our Part: Daniel 4
When we build rapport so that we can admonish, and allow God to do the humbling, we can expect to make a difference in someone somewhere. Perhaps even many someones.

The importance (and problem) of demographics in church revitalization
Demographics such as median household income, home ownership, median age, household size, number of children, single householder, etc. can be invaluable in identifying unmet needs and developing ministries to address them. Would the community benefit more from free daycare or a senior center? Could it benefit from a Habitat for Humanity-like ministry, a tutoring program, English-language lessons, or even a citizenship class? Should we worship with a pop, country, hip-hop, or mariachi style of music? Demographics can suggest answers to these questions and more.

Out of the Frying Pan: Daniel 3
When we persevere, God shows up, and when God shows up, people notice. It is called witness, and what we discover in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is that perseverance leads to witness.

It’s What They Do: Daniel 2
By his words and actions, Daniel established rapport with the king. Instead of cowering in fear or ranting like a lunatic, he engaged honestly and constructively, and Nebby learned that he could trust Daniel. Put another way, everything Daniel said and did built credibility, and that credibility compelled Nebby to listen and act upon Daniel’s advice. Moreover, when Daniel was quick to give glory to God as the source of his excellent insight and advice, that piqued Nebby’s interest in God!

Godly Living In an Ungodly World: Daniel 1
We must not allow this faithless world to draw us into ungodly behaviors. At the same time, we must not simply dig in our heels and resist everything and anything that comes our way. No, we must commit ourselves to living truly godly lives amidst all of the ungodliness that is present in this world. Because only then will we be able to make an impact in this world.