I Am A Pastor

2 Chronicles 11:13-17: Politics and the people of God

In 2 Chronicles 11:13-17, the priests and Levites took their stand with Rehoboam because he was the lesser of two evils. Granted, he allowed them to worship the Lord, but in the end, he was just as spiritually bankrupt as his northern counterpart. The alliance was doomed from the start, and any such alliance we forge today is doomed, too.

Colossians 1:28-29: A good reminder of why I am a pastor

Colossians 1:28-29 served as the what, why, and how for his work as an apostle, helping to guide what he would (and would not) do, reminding him of its importance when things grew difficult, and explaining how it was even possible. Today, this declaration serves a similar purpose for pastors and other ministers.

I am a Pastor

I Am a Pastor: Hearing From God

The closer I get to God, the softer his voice gets. I think there are two reasons for this. First, because I am closer, he has no need to speak more loudly. And second, more importantly, as close I am, he wants to draw me closer still.

I am a Pastor

I Am a Pastor: Change & Faithfulness

I am a fisherman. Sadly, I do not get to fish nearly as much as I would like to, but some of my earliest memories are fishing with my family. Over the years, I remember trips when we put fish in the boat as quickly as we could drop our lines in the water, and […]

I am a Pastor

I Am a Pastor: How does revitalization begin?

When we are in need of revival, either individually or corporately, the two things which must happen before that revival will ever come are revealed in this passage: we must obey the commands of the Lord and pray for the Spirit to bring us back to life. These two things go hand-in-hand. They do not work independently of each other.

I am a Pastor

I Am a Pastor: One More Thing I Learned From Mr. Scott

In my previous post, I shared three things I learned from my high school math teacher and cross country/track coach, Bob Scott. But there was one other thing that I learned from Mr. Scott that I thought worthy of sharing. You see, Mr. Scott will probably never be a footnote in someone’s history book, let […]

I am a Pastor

I Am a Pastor: Things I Learned From Mr. Scott

Last night, I learned that Bob Scott passed away. In the history of the world, there have no doubt been countless men named Bob Scott, but there has only ever been one Bob Scott. As a husband and father, he was surely among the best. For those who wanted to learn, he was a superb […]

I am a Pastor

I Am a Pastor: The Antidote for Cynicism

In my previous post, I explained how easy – and dangerous – it is for pastors to slide into cynicism. In that post, I observed that cynicism is the antithesis of hope, an extreme form of worry. In fact, I wrote, “Whereas doubt suggests that a thing might not happen, cynicism assumes that the thing […]

I am a Pastor

I Am a Pastor: The Danger of Cynicism

If cynicism does not paralyze us, it leaves us marching grimly toward certain death for a dubious cause. At least, if the cause was worthy, we would be martyrs.

Copy Machine Setup and Repair

A few weeks ago, our church was blessed when the district office decided to give away its old copy machine. I jumped at the chance, and when I traveled that direction a couple weeks ago for a meeting, I took the opportunity to snag the thing. Well, okay. I say “I,” but in reality, it […]