Sunday afternoon ramblings

Philippians 3:10-11: Contentment vs complacency
The differences between contentment and complacency are subtle but profound. As Christians, contentment is key to experiencing new and abundant life, but complacency must be avoided at all costs. This side of glory, we must always recognize that we are not there yet and make every effort to reach our goal. This means forgetting what is behind, both failures and successes, reaching forward, and pursuing Jesus with everything we have.

Monday Morning Musings: January 13, 2020
This morning, I rearranged white stuff. We only received about an inch of snow last night, which really is not a lot, but it still needed to be moved. Thus, right after I completed my time of Bible study and prayer, I went to the garage and began pushing the snowblower and the shovel. Not […]

Monday Morning Musings | January 6, 2019
It is not Monday morning. It is Monday evening, but I still wanted to take some time today to touch base because it has been so long since I have written one of these! Between ministry and family obligations, this Christmas season has been a flurry of activity. Let me share some highlights! Our Advent […]

Monday Morning Musings | November 25, 2019
It’s been a couple of weeks since I wrote because those couple of weeks have been a whirlwind! So I thought I would take a moment today to catch up on a few things. On November 16, we held a Local Board of Administration meeting. In our denomination, the LBA is akin to the elder […]

Monday Morning Musings | October 28, 2019
Last week was rather eventful. As many may know, I serve as president of the Lower Beaver Neighborhood Association. On Monday, the association held its October general meeting, during which our city councilman announced his intention to revisit the proposal to extend an area thoroughfare to the interstate north of us, cutting through the eastern […]

Monday Morning Musings | October 21, 2019
Well, I missed the morning by a few hours this week. It’s been one of those days where I haven’t had a lot of time to sit at my desk. And there is still much to do, so I will keep this brief. Last week, I had my first taste of a week without seminary […]

Monday Morning Musings | October 14, 2019
The past week was interesting. For starters, the congregation surprised us with Pastor Appreciation Sunday. My family and I are grateful for both the card and the monetary gift. Although I am not yet certain how the money will be used, I can tell you that the kind and encouraging words written in the card […]
Sunday Afternoon Ramblings
What a great Sunday! True, we had some hiccups (e.g., yet another glitch with the slideshow), but overall, I thought the entire day went exceptionally well. Here are some highlights from my book. Adoration led the worship service with a great set. They were stupendous! And more importantly, slideshow glitches aside, I was drawn into […]
Sunday Afternoon Ramblings
It was a great day to worship at Debra Heights Wesleyan! Let’s get right to some thoughts about the service. First off, I thought the two members of Adoration that were in the service today did a great job, especially considering that Nicole’s illness this week prevented them from practicing. The set that they shared […]
Sunday Afternoon Ramblings, Monday edition
What a weekend! At the Geerdes household, it started out with Nicole’s parents showing up bright and early (okay, so it wasn’t that early) Saturday morning, which was great! But as the day went on, Nicole developed a cough. Sunday morning, the cough was still around, and Nicole was feeling it. After a hot shower […]