Sunday Afternoon Ramblings, Monday edition

What a weekend! At the Geerdes household, it started out with Nicole’s parents showing up bright and early (okay, so it wasn’t that early) Saturday morning, which was great! But as the day went on, Nicole developed a cough. Sunday morning, the cough was still around, and Nicole was feeling it. After a hot shower and some breakfast, she began to perk up, but by the middle of the afternoon, Bekah had developed a stuffy nose and cough, too. Soon after Nicole and the women of her family left for Wicked, our little girl was losing steam fast. By the time she went to bed, it was clear that she wasn’t feeling well at all. At about 11:30, she came into our room crying, and Nicole opted to let Bekah sleep on her chest. That was fine until 2:30, when we all awoke to Bekah “burping.” In case you’re wondering, that’s what she calls vomiting. In our bed. Mostly all over Nicole.

So that was my weekend, personally! I certainly hope yours ended on a much more positive note than mine!

Unfortunately, Nicole and Bekah weren’t the only ones not feeling up to par at church! As you likely noticed, we had a number of people gone and a few others that were present but moving rather slowly. Clearly, the cold and flu season has arrived at Debra Heights Wesleyan!

Overall, things went okay in the service yesterday, but the absences did take their toll. Adoration, for example, was down to three people, only two of which were able to practice together this week. Although they led admirably, and their song selections were great, I think they would agree that they weren’t firing on all cylinders.

Then, during the testimony time, after a couple of wonderfully encouraging bits, the news that the Morris family will be leaving to find a church closer to home hit everyone hard. We certainly wish them the best that God has for them. Please pray with me that they will find a solid, Bible teaching and living church. Also, please pray with me that we will quickly find someone who can step in to teach Amanda’s Sunday School class. If you are interested in assuming this, please contact Nicole Geerdes at right away!

Back to the service, Pastor Sharon preached a wonderful message that truly encouraged me. Indeed, our God is bigger and far more powerful than any of us – even the most mature believers among us – can fully comprehend. Her message, that sometimes our own understanding has to die for Him to do all that He would do in and through us, was exactly what I needed to hear yesterday. Thank you, Pastor Sharon!

So here are some things that I’m excited about today. First, the rummage sale went very well. Quite literally, the thing sold itself out by early Saturday afternoon. Again, special thanks to Greta A, Donna A, Jerry A, Brian K, Erma M, and all the others who contributed both time and resources to make the sale possible. Rest assured that your generosity made a difference in the lives of several families in our community. Praise the Lord!

Second, I’m excited by the Pumpkinville excursion coming up on Saturday. Our family was unable to attend last year, but we heard only exceptionally positive things from those who went! If you haven’t heard about the trip, we’re meeting at the church at 2:30pm Saturday, October 24, and heading for Pumpkinville outside of Mitchellville, Iowa. There, we will get lost in a corn maze, jump into massive piles of hay and straw, pick out our own pumpkins, and more. At 5:30pm, we’ll be having a bonfire with wiener roast and smores, etc. For details, please contact Pastor Sharon at Also, I want to thank Pastor Sharon, Al Shaffer, and the youth group for organizing the outing.

I’m also excited about the Harvest Dinner coming up in less than a month now! Be listening for more information in the next couple of weeks on that front!

In case you didn’t catch the common theme between those three things that I’m excited about, let me tell you what it is. These are opportunities for us to make an impact on our community! At the rummage sale, we literally gave away things that we no longer needed to people who do. At Pumpkinville, we’ll have a chance to show our friends and neighbors the love (and fun) of Jesus Christ. And at the Harvest Dinner, we’ll be sharing the gospel message which our sin-broken world so desperately needs! Be inviting everyone you can to these two upcoming events!

I have to tell you today that a couple of recent events and departures from our church family have hit me, personally, pretty hard. And I’m sure they have hit a number of others in the church, too. But I want you to know today that our God is still in control, and He’s still moving in and through our church! In fact, I truly believe that He’s only just beginning to move! I can’t wait to see what He’s got in store for this week!