Jeremy R. Geerdes Posts

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 9
After the flood, God renewed His covenant with humanity, emphasizing grace alongside justice. Humans, though flawed, are still called to care for creation. The narrative highlights Noah’s downfall, revealing how personal choices lead to shame, while emphasizing the importance of protecting others’ dignity over exposing their faults.

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 8
Noah’s journey after the flood illustrates the importance of patience and perseverance during life disruptions. After the ark grounded on Ararat, it took time to ascertain safety. Noah’s experiments with a raven and dove symbolize the process of waiting and adjusting before embracing change. Worshiping God post-disruption emphasizes gratitude and aligns with divine creativity.

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 7
The content discusses the narrative of Noah and the flood, emphasizing themes of individual righteousness, God’s mercy, and grace towards both clean and unclean animals. It highlights Noah’s faithfulness and obedience, the significance of the flood’s duration, and cultural variations in flood stories, suggesting a common origin. Patience in faith is also encouraged.

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 6
The text discusses the ambiguous identity of the “sons of God,” the introduction of death due to original sin, and the significance of Noah as a righteous remnant amid widespread corruption. It emphasizes Noah’s extraordinary faith in building the ark, which symbolizes obedience to God despite societal opposition and unprecedented challenges.

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 5
The genealogies in Genesis highlight the contrasting lifespans and spiritual significance of figures like Enoch and Methuselah. Enoch, who lived 365 years and walked with God, represents a godly life distinct from his contemporaries. His life coinciding with the flood raises questions about divine timing and judgment in ancient narratives.

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 4
After their exile, Adam and Eve grappled with their role in God’s plan. Despite the challenges they faced, they fulfilled God’s mandate through partnership, highlighted by the births of Cain and Abel. The narrative explores their offerings, Cain’s sin, and God’s continued presence, emphasizing humanity’s potential for redemption even amid struggle.

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 3
The passage explores the subtle manipulation by the serpent that led Adam and Eve to disobey God’s command regarding the tree of knowledge. Their sin resulted in shame and estrangement from God, alongside the repercussions of toil and eventual death. God’s redemptive plan initiated by providing clothing signifies hope for restoration amidst human failure.

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 2
The author reflects on Genesis 2, emphasizing the importance of work and rest, the nature of humanity’s creation, and the significance of relationships. The text critiques common views on gender roles, highlighting the equal value of men and women as partners. It also underscores the importance of intimacy in marriage, with spiritual implications.

[And He Walks With Me] Genesis 1
This study on Genesis 1 emphasizes God’s existence prior to creation, portraying Him as the ultimate creator and highlighting the orderly progression from chaos to light. It discusses humanity’s unique creation in God’s image, the importance of stewardship over the earth, and the balanced partnership between genders in fulfilling God’s command.

[Reflections on The Discipline] The Constitution
Chapter 4 of The Discipline contains The Constitution of The North American General Conference. Basic Christian doctrines and the basic outline for our governing structure are established here. Appropriately, these things can be changed, but it requires a tremendous amount of work to do so. Allow me to be clear. The general principles established in The Constitution are sound. They establish as thoroughly orthodox and distinguish us as thoroughly entrenched in the holiness movement with a presbyterian form of government. I will not be advocating for any seismic shifts in this area. However, I would offer a few observations.