Jeremy R. Geerdes Posts

Church Revitalization: More useful than the phone book
This morning, as it is wont to do, Facebook provided me with a memory: on this date in 2018, two phonebooks were delivered to our church. You remember those, right? I remember using the phonebook to look up phone numbers of friends and services that I needed. Not long ago, phonebooks were indispensable sources of […]

Church Revitalization: Turning around one degree at a time
I grew up on a boat. Most weekends during the summer, my family would travel 45 miles to the Mississippi River, where we would launch our boat and spend the days fishing and skiing. In fact, long before I could drive a car, I learned to pilot a boat, and along with that came many […]

I Am a Pastor: Change & Faithfulness
I am a fisherman. Sadly, I do not get to fish nearly as much as I would like to, but some of my earliest memories are fishing with my family. Over the years, I remember trips when we put fish in the boat as quickly as we could drop our lines in the water, and […]

I Am a Pastor: How does revitalization begin?
When we are in need of revival, either individually or corporately, the two things which must happen before that revival will ever come are revealed in this passage: we must obey the commands of the Lord and pray for the Spirit to bring us back to life. These two things go hand-in-hand. They do not work independently of each other.

Monday Morning Musings: January 13, 2020
This morning, I rearranged white stuff. We only received about an inch of snow last night, which really is not a lot, but it still needed to be moved. Thus, right after I completed my time of Bible study and prayer, I went to the garage and began pushing the snowblower and the shovel. Not […]
The Significant Seven: Metrics every church should be monitoring
A few years ago, I started using some “church management software” that I was, for several reasons, pretty excited about. First, it was web-based, so it was platform agnostic and allowed me to delegate tasks. Second, it was flexible, meaning that it was designed to allow me to track the data I wanted, the way […]

Monday Morning Musings | January 6, 2019
It is not Monday morning. It is Monday evening, but I still wanted to take some time today to touch base because it has been so long since I have written one of these! Between ministry and family obligations, this Christmas season has been a flurry of activity. Let me share some highlights! Our Advent […]

Rainer delivers again: Reviewing Thom Rainer’s Anatomy of a Revived Church
This past Wednesday, I received a copy of Thom Rainer’s latest book, Anatomy of a Revived Church (order your own copy from Amazon). I was looking forward to reading this book since I heard this past fall that it would be released. Simply put, I am a huge fan of Thom Rainer, and particularly of […]

Monday Morning Musings | November 25, 2019
It’s been a couple of weeks since I wrote because those couple of weeks have been a whirlwind! So I thought I would take a moment today to catch up on a few things. On November 16, we held a Local Board of Administration meeting. In our denomination, the LBA is akin to the elder […]

I Am a Pastor: One More Thing I Learned From Mr. Scott
In my previous post, I shared three things I learned from my high school math teacher and cross country/track coach, Bob Scott. But there was one other thing that I learned from Mr. Scott that I thought worthy of sharing. You see, Mr. Scott will probably never be a footnote in someone’s history book, let […]