
Stronghold 7: Lukewarm
So let me say it again: Jesus knows our commitment, and as long as we remain uncommitted, halfway between hot and cold, lukewarm, we are absolutely useless to him.

Stronghold 6: Inadequacy
The truth is God knows full well that I am inadequate, but that is not a problem in his eyes. It only becomes a problem when I use that inadequacy as an excuse to hunker down and miss the ministry opportunity which he has placed right in front of my face.

Stronghold 5: Hypocrisy
In short, the Christians at Sardis were not who everyone thought they were. They had worked very hard to project a reputation of life, but they were hypocrites. And Jesus knew it.

Stronghold 4: Tolerance, Pt 3
It is therefore imperative that we spend time in Scriptures and prayer, comparing everything that we endorse to the Word of God and, if it does not match up, rejecting it as sin. Further, it is important that we surround ourselves with men and women who are committed to doing the same thing. Then take your stand on the truth and root out the tolerating Jezebels who threaten our very lives!

Stronghold 4: Tolerance, Pt 2
If there is a stronghold of tolerance in our neighborhood, our church, or in us, we must dig in and defend the truth. It is important, however, to note that there is a significant difference between how the stronghold of tolerance will fight and how we must defend the truth.

Stronghold 4: Tolerance, Pt 1
Indeed, this is why tolerance, as the world defines it, is so very, very bad. It gives people the impression that it is okay to sin. Everything is going to be fine. God will not do anything. Maybe God cannot do anything. In reality, however, this could not be farther from the truth! Sin will ultimately cause us to lose everything! When we tolerate sin, then, we are misrepresenting God, lying about who he is and what he’s going to do.

Stronghold 3: Compromise, Pt 3
Repentance, then, is not really an optional thing. Of course, that does not make it any easier. Fortunately, verse 17 does. Here, Jesus shared three things that he would do if the church at Pergamum repented.

Stronghold 3: Compromise, Pt 2
Jesus’ battle plan is summed up in the first two words of verse 16: “Therefore repent!” Indeed, if we have compromised, the only effective solution is a simple, one-step, frontal assault. Plain and simple, we must repent!

Stronghold 3: Citadel, Pt 1
We call ourselves Christians, but that does not really apply when we are at work. We call ourselves Christians, but we resolve that we must cuss, drink, cheat, lie, flirt, or some other sinful behavior so that our friends will respect us. We call ourselves Christians, but this juicy tidbit is just too good not to share. Besides, our prayer partners need to know how to pray. It is what two people who love each other do… It does not mean anything… It is just not convenient right now… It’s just one… It’s only…

Stronghold 2: Kobayashi Maru, Pt 3
I dare say, this ability to face fear, even no-win scenarios, is exactly what Jesus expected of the church at Smyrna, and it is exactly what he expects of every Christ-follower.