
Heroes, Pt. 5: Esther
A young Jewish girl living in exile in the Persian Empire is chosen to become the new queen. For an instant, it appeared that Israel was poised for a comeback. Unfortunately, just as she was settling into her new life of royalty, a wicked man named Haman manipulated her husband, the king, to call for the genocide of all Jews within his kingdom. Suddenly, all hope of revitalization seemed poised to be dashed, but Esther’s response to this threat in Esther 4:4-14 reveals at least three essential characteristics of a revitalizing leader.

Heroes, Pt. 4: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Revitalizing leaders will commit themselves unswervingly to the essentials of being and making more and better followers of Jesus. They will refuse to make excuses for anything else. And they will expect God to show up and change things. They may not see instantaneous results, but if they persevere in these things, they will see results.

Heroes, Pt 3: Benaiah
I cannot tell you how many times I have needed one or more of the lessons that Benaiah was given to teach. The fact is, I have contented myself to do nothing when, if my church is to see ongoing revitalization, I must be the lead doer. I have allowed myself to be paralyzed by the wrong perspective. I have fallen into the trap of focusing on what I do not have at my disposal. And I have wrestled with the temptation of pride. Indeed, this may be the most insidious temptation for any revitalizing leader: it manifests in the spotlight as bravado, and in the shadows as resentment. May we look always for revitalizing leaders to demonstrate these characteristics, and more, may we strive always to realize them in ourselves!

Heroes, Pt 2: Abishai
Abishai may be overshadowed in the Bible by his brother and uncle, but his loyalty and leadership were instrumental in David’s rise to power in the wake of Saul’s death and return to power in the aftermath of Absalom’s insurrection. Time and again, he delivered results, demonstrated boldness, and leaned into the team. When leading revitalization, each of these things is absolutely essential. Revitalizing leaders must, therefore, learn from Abishai and endeavor to strive after him in their own ministries.

Heroes, Pt 1: Gideon
The story of Gideon bears many lessons for those who would lead revitalization. Some of them are positive, and some are negative. As we seek to recruit and be leaders for the wave of revitalization that must happen in the North American Church, we must heed these lessons.