Stronghold 4: Tolerance, Pt 3

Editor’s Note: If you haven’t checked out Part 1 or Part 2 of this stronghold, you’ll want to do that before reading this one!

Revelations 2:18-29

The Promise

It is imperative that we hold on to the truth until Jesus returns. It is equally important that we offer a hand to anyone who has been sucked in by tolerance. But how important is this, really? In vss 26-28, Jesus provides a glimpse into he will do when we are faithful. Specifically, he promised to “the one who conquers and who keeps my works to the end,” “I will give him authority over the nations – and he will rule them with an iron scepter; he will shatter them like pottery –  just as I have received this from my Father” and “I will also give him the morning star.”

The first of these promises, that God would place the faithful over the nations, was a common concept in the Old Testament and first-century Christian eschatology. The idea was basically that Jesus will share his authority over us when his kingdom comes. This authority, however, may not be exactly what we expect. In fact, Jesus provided two seemingly contradictory images in this passage which we might miss in our English translations! The first is that of the iron scepter and the promise to shatter the nations like pottery. This provides the idea of strong, unyielding authority. On the other hand, however, we have the word rendered by the CSB as “rule.” In the original Greek, this word is poimanei, and it carries the notion of shepherding. Please understand, shepherds are not afraid to break a sheep’s leg to keep it from wandering off repeatedly, but they will also carry that sheep on their shoulders until its leg heals. Indeed, most of the time, the shepherd is relatively gentle. Instead of driving the sheep with horses and whips and such, the shepherd goes before them and calls them to come along. If we will hold on, we will eventually be granted the right to lead in this way!

The second promise which Jesus offers, that of the morning star, was a reference to Jesus himself. Indeed, in Revelation 22:16, Jesus refers to himself as “the root and descendant of David, the bright morning star.” This promise, then, is that Christ will grant the defender of truth true fellowship with himself.

Make no mistake, the stronghold of tolerance is lurking within the North American church and many of our lives today. Perhaps it is lurking in your life even now. The problem is that, if it has really established itself, it may be so thoroughly camouflaged that you will not even see it. As Isaiah reminded us, it is possible to reach the point where we applaud as good even the most vile wickedness! Consider how many Christians endorsed American slavery as a means of evangelism to Africans! It is therefore imperative that we spend time in Scriptures and prayer, comparing everything that we endorse to the Word of God and, if it does not match up, rejecting it as sin. Further, it is important that we surround ourselves with men and women who are committed to doing the same thing. Then take your stand on the truth and root out the tolerating Jezebels who threaten our very lives!